Monday, May 19, 2014

Vegan Comfort Food!

There is almost nothing I love more than a new cookbook. I can sit down and read a cookbook like some people read a novel. First I do a cursory flip through, then I do an in-depth study, marking pages that show things I would like to make. Finally, I choose a few recipes to try and make a grocery list.

After much thinking, I purchased Robin Robertson's Vegan Planet. I had this and another cookbook in my shopping cart for days, but finally decided on Vegan Planet. After marking off almost the entire book I decided to do some cheering up with food. I think cooking a meal for someone shows them just how much you care and can lift the spirits in a way that other things never could. I chose to prepare the Summer Pasta Salad from this book. It was good in a way that I don't expect pasta salad to be. It spurred me to be more generous with the veggies and was very satisfying. I also did the Banana Spice Pancakes. This was not so successful, but I think its me. I can never make good, fluffy pancakes. I also did the Apple Spice Muffins, the flavor in these was phenomenal. I will definitely repeat those.

My get well meal also included Roasted Jerk Chickpeas inspired by a recipe in Plant Powered Kitchen, Brownies and Butternut Squash from Oh She Glows.

Cook for someone you love. It truly shows that you care and you will get a feeling of satisfaction along with goodies to eat!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to see the dishes you prepare from this cookbook!
